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Monster Game


I think all children somehow believe in the existance of monsters. To show them that the monsters can be kind I decided to make an interesting lesson using the Monster theme.

There is a special box in my classroom where I have all the "monster materials". From time to time I make smth new and put into this box.

So, let's observe the things I have in the box.

Firstly, there is a Monster Paw. I give it to children and they show the things on the blackboard or choose the right letters, etc. It is a sort of a pointer, but rather thematic and nice.

Secondly, there is a "Monster Encyclopedia". It is a small book with students' project works. I've found this cute project printable (, printed it and gave to my kids. As you can see their imagination was so bright that I can't, but admire even now. Probably I will give these project papers to other students to make my encyclopedia bigger.

Thirdly, I have special "monster dollars" that my students love very much. They work as extra points or even a mark. As we have a number system of marks, with the highest mark 12, children can collect these dollars and exchange them anytime they want. One dollar per one point.

There are some other materials in my "monster box". They are tasks and different printables. Later I will tell you more, when I have smth special.

Oh, I've almost forgotten! I use a presentation with the tasks to make the lesson structures and bright. You can watch it and use in the way you like!

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